Hunt, Track
& Share
& Share
Join 16,438 other trainers tracking their Shiny Pokémon.

Any Mon.
Any Game.
Any Method.
Caught a shiny? Help us complete a living dex by submitting it to our community dex below
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3,142 Tracked
Track your Pokémon,
your way.
Experience shiny Pokémon tracking like never before and say goodbye to that clunky old spreadsheet.

Track up to 20 pieces of information
Record as few as 5 details or as many as 20, including gender, location, natures, abilities, and more.

Share your progress with a single link
Easily share your Dex with friends, family, or anyone by copying and sharing your public link.

Stay updated with your favourite Dexes
Add your favourite users to your list and stay informed about their latest captures and hunts.

Save time with our built-in hunt tracker
Our integrated hunt tracker streamlines your experience, making it simple to log shinies into your Dex right after catching them.
Tracked Pokémon
Ongoing Hunts
Ambassadors live now: 2
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